Saving Lives through Clean Cookstoves: Ethan Kay

Oct 29, 2012   //   by admin   //   Conscious Investing, Health & Wellbeing, Sustainability  //  Comments Off

The BioLight is an amazing solution not just because of what it does, but HOW it does it.

What it will do is save millions and millions of lives around the world, half of which are under the age of 5.
It does this by providing a smoke free alternative to the toxic open flame and smoke that is currently used by almost half of the world.
It also provides enough electricity to power a cell phone, and lighting to do homework at night.
All from whatever natural fuel source is available, wood, cow dung, bio scraps, etc.

How it will sold and marketed is just as important…
As a full cultural integration… it will be presented to the tribal elders first.
From there it will integrate as a way to bring financial independence to tens of thousands that will sell, service and distribute.

It will be affordable… and have an average return on investment to the end user of less than 7 months.
Enurgy, Inc. will be supporting this project in some fashion in the very near future.

This is one of those products that will really make a difference in the world.
Pleaese watch the TEDx video below.


BioLite develops and manufactures advanced energy products that make cooking with wood as clean safe and easy as modern fuels while also providing electricity to charge cell phones and LED lights off-grid. We feel a strong sense of responsibility not just to develop products that work well but also to create businesses that make a positive contribution to the global community.

Ethan Kay:
Building on his doctoral dissertation, Ethan’s project as a Sauvé Scholar was to collaborate with BioLite to bring to market smokeless cookstoves for low-income families in developing countries. He helped BioLite design and develop its: channel partnership and scaling strategy; pilot programs; end-to-end value chain; and carbon financing model. He also plans to publish at least two articles in prestigious journals, focused on debunking the so-called ‘poverty penalty’ and codifying the common pitfalls of market-based poverty alleviation strategies. He also served as Lead Technical Expert on the World Bank’s 2012 ‘State of the Cookstove Sector’ report. Ethan had a 30-minute nationally televised interview on social entrepreneurship with Robert Scully on PBS; delivered a TEDxMontreal Talk on indoor air pollution and ultra-clean cookstoves; and gave several lectures at McGill’s Desautels Faculty of Management and Concordia’s Department of Communication Studies. He also submitted an article for publication debunking the so-called ‘poverty penalty’.

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